Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Cómo y qué estudiar en Estados Unidos

Estudiar en Estados Unidos es el sueà ±o de millones de estudiantes en todo el mundo. Y para cientos de miles es posible estudiar inglà ©s, un curso de high school (visas J-1 de intercambio son muy frecuentes) o, incluso la carrera universitaria (visa F-1) o un posgrado. Por quà © estudiar en Estados Unidos Las ventajas de estudiar en Estados Unidos son variadas y van desde vivir la experiencia americana y obtener un buen conocimiento del idioma inglà ©s,  obtener un tà ­tulo universitario americano que puede abrir puertas laborales, disfrutar  un OPT  para trabajar  al acabar los estudios universitarios o, incluso, a conseguir una visa de trabajo. En concreto, se reserva un nà ºmero de visas H-1B para las personas con un mà ­nimo de estudios universitarios en USA. Cà ³mo pagar por los estudios Las universidades americanas son caras, pero hay una gran diferencia de precios.  Y entre las pà ºblicas, que son en general mà ¡s baratas, tambià ©n hay diferencia segà ºn el lugar de residencia habitual del estudiante: dentro del estado o en otro estado o en el extranjero. Habitualmente se recurre a los ahorros, a pedir crà ©ditos y a becas (y a trabajar, si es que legalmente se puede hacer). Ademà ¡s, para los estudiantes que destacan en deporte es posible entrenar y competir a gran nivel e, incluso, estudiar con becas deportivas parciales o totales. Y por supuesto tambià ©n es posible obtener becas por mà ©rito, muchas està ¡n abiertas a estudiantes internacionales y tambià ©n a inmigrantes indocumentados. Cada universidad decide cà ³mo beca y, por esta razà ³n, no es frecuente encontrar a dos estudiantes que pagan exactamente lo mismo. Estas son 13 universidades de à ©lite que siguen la polà ­tica de need-blind y becan totalmente, o casi, a los alumnos admitidos (ciudadanos, residentes, internacionales e indocumentados con y sin DACA). Tambià ©n conviene explorar tambià ©n las universidades pà ºblicas que parten, ademà ¡s, de una matrà ­cula mà ¡s asequible. Tambià ©n hay que tener presente que hay becas otorgadas por instituciones pà ºblicas o privadas que nada tienen que ver con las universidades en las que se estudia. Lo que importa es cumplir con los requisitos de la beca. Aquà ­ se puede ver un ejemplo de 25 becas abiertas a todo tipo de estudiantes, incluidos los internacionales. Quà © se necesita para solicitar a una universidad americana El proceso para presentar una aplicacià ³n completa es largo y complejo. Es muy importante reconocer que preparar todo el paquete puede llevar muchos meses y es fundamental presentar una aplicacià ³n de calidad. Visas para estudiar en Estados Unidos Hay dos posibilidades, las F-1 y las M-1 para asuntos vocacionales. Ademà ¡s, los estudiantes universitarios extranjeros que deseen pasar el verano en Estados Unidos en un programa de intercambio que permite trabajar y viajar o para estudiar high school pueden obtener una J-1. Para las visas F-1 y M-1 que primero aplicar a la escuela o universidad a la que se quiere ir y ellas son las que inician el proceso mediante la entrega de un documento conocido como I-20. Sà ³lo entonces se puede seguir la tramitacià ³n de la visa solicitando la visa por internet y luego presentà ¡ndose a la entrevista en la oficina consular que corresponda al lugar de residencia del solicitante. Tambià ©n hay que tener en consideracià ³n las visas J-1 de intercambio, que comprende programas muy distintos y algunos permiten estudiar en high school o en universidad. Incluso existe un programa para mà ©dicos para realizar la residencia en Estados Unidos y asà ­ especializarse.   A tener en cuenta antes de decidir estudiar en Estados Unidos Los estudiantes pre universitarios pueden realizar cursos acadà ©micos en escuelas pà ºblicas o privadas. Los precios del aà ±o acadà ©mico varà ­an enormemente segà ºn el tipo de escuela. Para estudiar inglà ©s existen literalmente cientos de academias. Pero para obtener una visa a travà ©s de la escuela es necesario que à ©sta està © autorizada por las autoridades migratorias de EEUU para emitir un I-20, si no lo està ¡n, no aplicar. Es comà ºn que los estudiantes de inglà ©s por menos de tres meses de un paà ­s acogido al Programa de Exencià ³n de Visas entren a EEUU como turistas y despuà ©s cursen sus estudios en la academia elegida. Es una prà ¡ctica muy frecuente pero, ley en mano, es ilegal. Deberà ­an aplicar, obtener un I-20 y, despuà ©s, solicitar la visa de estudiante en un consulado americano. Si se quiere estudiar una carrera universitaria en Estados Unidos, conviene  conocer y tomar los exà ¡menes que pueden ser requeridos, como el TOEFL, cuya puntuacià ³n varà ­a para ser admitido dependiendo de la universidad, college, community college o escuela profesional. Y tambià ©n otros tests son  el SAT o el GRE, etc. Si se quiere estudiar una carrera universitaria conviene considerar las ventajas de estudiar en un Community College los dos primeros aà ±o. El costo es notablemente inferior (en esta base de datos puedes buscar cuà ¡l es el precio en mà ¡s de 1,000 colegios comunitarios). Ademà ¡s, es posible que se tenga que  convalidar todos los tà ­tulos y diplomas de los estudios realizados en el paà ­s de origen. De interà ©s Cursar estudios universitarios en Estados Unidos es muy caro, por lo que es muy recomendable analizar detalladamente la universidad en la que se desea estudiar. Si los estudios son de mala calidad quizà ¡ no merece la pena hacer el esfuerzo de pagar la matrà ­cula y demà ¡s gastos. Estas son las  10 mejores universidades para estudiar ingenierà ­a en Estados Unidos, ya que esta es una carrera con alta presencia de estudiantes extranjeros. Ademà ¡s, para los mejores estudiantes quizà ¡ resulte una buena apuesta estudiar  en una  Ivy League en cualquiera de las universidades la conforman.   Si bien hay que tener claro que hay universidades pà ºblicas u otras privadas que tambià ©n son excelentes. Denegacià ³n de las visas y otros problemas Los consulados y las Embajadas americanas deniegan cada aà ±o aproximadamente una de cada cinco visas que se solicitan. Los visados que mà ¡s rechazos reciben son los de turista y los de estudiante. Las causas son muy variadas pero està ¡n calificadas en dos categorà ­as: ser inelegible o ser inadmisible. Para recibir una visa americana, para renovarla e incluso para ser admitido a Estados Unidos al llegar al puesto de control migratorio las personas extranjeras tienen que ser elegibles para la visa y admisibles para USA. En caso contrario, habrà ¡ problemas. Por otro lado, si se obtiene la visa, no se debe poner en riesgo por conductas que, a priori, pueden parecer no relevantes, pero que sà ­ lo son desde el punto de vista de las leyes migratorias. Por ejemplo, la posesià ³n para el consumo propio de marihuana puede ocasionar problemas graves. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Black Gangster Disciple Nation Vs Mcdonalds Case Study

Generally, secret or hard-to-find information differentiates a group or institution in charge of it from those without access or knowledge. It attributes to the group an informational advantage which is carried out in terms of intimidation or (implicit) trust. Should the knowledge become public, this information asymmetry is abrogated and the group’s power diminishes. For example, the Ku Klux Klan in the US rose to power thanks to a self-created mythos and inside facts and rituals, but lost most of its appeal and influence once Stetson Kennedy published a large part of their secret information. The Black Gangster Disciple Nation and McDonald’s resemble each other in structural and organisational terms. Both are segregated into several†¦show more content†¦A lot of the topics touch on daily life issues and well known conventional wisdoms and thus leave some thought-provoking impact. However, Levitt, in the introduction of Freakonomics, declares economics to be a simple â€Å"science of measurement† depicting reality compared to and distinct from morality considered as ideals or utopias of that reality. In my opinion this statement underestimates the significance of economic theory in today’s world, is generalised and insufficient. Economic theory and measurements have strong implications, e.g. for the perception of national welfare, and consequently policies and regulations of a country which attributes to economics much more command than a mere supply of information. Furthermore, reality can hardly be described only by numbers since feelings and morality as foundations of our values and beliefs take a large and decisive part in life and our decisions, but can hardly be measured as such. Even the economic system of exchange is not only based on efficiency and quantitative terms but indeed on moral-based conduct as well. Overall, I consider explaini ng the world by mere measurements and a collection of factual data too simplistic. What most negatively occurred to me was that, at least partly due to Levitt’s deliberate distinction between morality and economics, no

Monday, December 9, 2019

Management of Information Security Samples †

Question: Discuss about the Management of Information Security. Answer: Approaches to computer security There are ways to protect ones computer from the security threats. Anti-Malware The users must install anti malware software to protect their computer from all kinds of security threats. Anti-malware must have the capabilities to block spams, should block unwanted pop-ups, must have the capabilities to remove all kinds of virus from the computers, should have a facility to remove spyware. There is numerous anti-malware software in the market however, the users will have to choose the best anti-malware software for maximum productivity (Tsohou et al. 2015). Firewall A firewall is a network security program that protects ones system from unauthorised access, it basically enables or disables traffic based on a definite set of rules (Tsohou et al. 2015). Password Protection Passwords are a simple and easy way to protect ones device, but the users once set the password remain stick with that password in general, they never change their passwords which lead to vulnerabilities of the system. The users must alter their password from time to time be it an email address or online bank passwords to keep the personal data safe and secure. Data backup The users must back up their data from time to time, if the operating system crashes it may be possible that the users may lose valuable data, virus affected computer can lead to system failure too. The users must install backup programs in their system and should backup their data (Tsohou et al. 2015). Basic models used to implement security in operating system Graham-Denning Access Control model It is basically a security model that implements certain protection rules in the operating system. It consists of three different components-a set of objects, a set of subjects and a set of rights. The set of subjects includes process and domain. A set of right consists of create object, create subject, delete object, delete subject, read access right, grant access right, delete access right, transfer access right. Therefore, this model emphasises that both the set of subjects and a set of objects execute based on the set of rights (Stallings and Brown 2012). Military Security Model The information is ranked on the basis of an unclassified, confidential, secret and top secret. It provides the least privilege to the subject; it restricts the subject to access few objects for successfully accomplishing work. The system backup program may be permitted to access the files but do not have the permission to modify the file (Stallings and Brown 2012). Bell-LaPadula Model It is a state machine model which provides security and used for driving access control in government and army applications. The model comprises of the security classes for each subject and object respectively and those security classes are ordered by relation (Balamurugan et al. 2015). The physical security components that can protect ones computers and networks The physical security components for computers Biometric devices Biometric devices are used for capturing biometric data inputs in the form of fingerprints, facial images and voice recognition. It is a method to verify the identity of a living body (Ng et al. 2015). Cable locks With the help of cable lock, laptops can be protected from getting theft. It will also prevent others to access laptop without owners wish (Ng et al. 2015). Security Key The security key enables users to log in the system with a synced password. The users first have to plug in the flash drive, then have to enter the password integrated with the key, if the code matches the users can log in the system (Ng et al. 2015). The physical security components for network The network security devices are as follows- Active devices- Active devices consist of firewalls, malware scanning devices. Passive devices- Passive devices can identify the intruders attack thus can check the intruders entry into the system (Nimkar and Ghosh 2014). Preventive devices- Preventive devices scan networks and identify potential security threats. Unified Threat Management- UTM devices like firewalls serve all the above-said purposes (Nimkar and Ghosh 2014). Steps that organisations can take to improve their security In the organisations, the senior management handles all the resources and budget involved in the information security. The senior managers are aware of the fact that they should take the security issues very seriously, otherwise intruders will attack the system and make it vulnerable, the intruders can steal the private data of the customers (SearchSecurity 2017). i.The organisations know how valuable customers data is, so they take special measures to protect customers data. ii.The organisations create and maintain documentations of all the activities, they spend time, money to keep their company protected all the time (SearchSecurity 2017). iii.The organisations always keep themselves updated that means the computer systems are all updated ones, and the employees are aware of the modern systems. Outdated systems due to lack security updates are vulnerable threats so the companies always avoid that outdated system or software (SearchSecurity 2017). References Balamurugan, B., Shivitha, N.G., Monisha, V. and Saranya, V., 2015, February. A Honey Bee behaviour inspired novel Attribute-based access control using enhanced Bell-Lapadula model in cloud computing. InInnovation Information in Computing Technologies (ICIICT), 2015 International Conference on(pp. 1-6). IEEE. Ng, J., Bragg, D., Foladare, M.J. and Higgins, R.M., At T Intellectual Property I, LP, 2015.Device, system, and method for managing virtual and physical components of a network via use of a registry. U.S. Patent Application 14/743,465. Nimkar, A.V. and Ghosh, S.K., 2014. An access control model for cloud-based emr federation.International Journal of Trust Management in Computing and Communications,2(4), pp.330-352. SearchSecurity. (2017).10 good security habits for keeping your organization secure. [online] Available at: [Accessed 19 Jul. 2017]. Stallings, W. and Brown, L., 2012. Computer security.Principles and practice (2 nd ed). Edinburgh Gate: Pearson education limited. Tsohou, A., Karyda, M., Kokolakis, S. and Kiountouzis, E., 2015. Managing the introduction of information security awareness programmes in organisations.European Journal of Information Systems,24(1), pp.38-58.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Separation Essays - A Jury Of Her Peers, Minnie, Trifles

Separation Between Sexes Since the time when Eve set herself apart from Adam by consuming the forbidden fruit, there always has been vast differences in the way men and women conduct themselves. These differences are very common among sexes, and are also easy to distinguish. For instance, more women tend to cry in sad movies than men do. This is because women are more emotional than men and can often express their feelings easier. But probably the most popular difference between men and women would be how women have the ability to go shopping for an entire day whereas men will leave after they get what they want. These differences between men and women are constantly being portrayed in the media, and moreover literature. The piece of literature I will discuss is Susan Glaspell's A Jury of Her Peers, where Glaspell exemplifies the differences between men and women as they conduct their investigation of the murder of Mr. Wright. From the beginning of the investigation, the men and women had vast differences in the way they went about looking for substantial evidence. For instance, the men approached the house with confidence and seemed to feel indifferent towards the situation even though the murder victim was a close acquaintance. But the women approached the house with caution and hesitation. Mrs. Martha Hale's first thought as she encountered the crime scene was how in the past she thought, "I ought to go over and see Minnie Foster". Martha regretted the fact that she never visited her long time friend except when it was too late. Also, when the county attorney asked Mr. Hale what happened the day before, Mrs. Hale was worried that he would add unnecessary comments and make things harder on Minnie Foster. This indicates that Martha Hale immediately sympathized with Minnie Foster although she had done something as wrong as killing. Instead of acknowledging the fact that Minnie Foster committed murder, she looks past this and inquires what could possibly induce her to do so. Relevant to this go back to the idea that she wished she would've visited Minnie earlier. Martha Hale assumed that loneliness was a big factor which drove Minnie to do such a thing. Next, the attorney being a male, functioned as a robot would; he had no feelings towards what happened. Right after Mr. Hale told his version of what happened, the attorney continued with, "I guess we'll go upstairs first-then out to the barn and around there." The attorney didn't express any sympathy whatsoever, but was more concerned with getting on with the investigation. When the attorney found a mess of Minnie Foster's preserved fruit, Mrs. Hale replied with, "Oh-her fruit", and explained how Minnie was worried that the jars of her preserves might burst. On the other hand, Mr. Peters returned the statement with "Well, can you beat the woman! Held for murder, and worrying about her preserves!" But what separated the men from the women was when the sheriff decided that there was nothing but "kitchen things" in the kitchen which lead them upstairs in search for evidence. As the men moved upstairs, there were a number of significant differences in the way the men and women conducted the investigation. First of all, the men went upstairs and the women remained in the kitchen both in hopes of finding convicting evidence. The men, being more logical went straight to the crime scene, yet the women were more concerned with Minnie Foster's whereabouts and what she was doing around the time of the murder. Besides this, the women are more careful with everything and take the time to examine things thoroughly unlike the men who seem to rush things until they find what they want. For instance, Mrs. Hale noticed that the bag of sugar in the kitchen was half full, and remembered in her own home how she left the flour half sifted because she was interrupted. In result, Mrs. Hale concluded with the fact that Minnie Foster was interrupted for some reason and began to wonder what it was. Furthermore, when Mrs. Peters went to retrieve Minnie's clothes they examined how shabby it appeared and figured that when you look good, you feel good and that Minnie was not as happy as she used to be. Another example of the women's ways of careful observation is when Mrs. Peters found a quilt Minnie Foster began and wondered whether or not she quilted it or knotted it. Most men wouldn't look so far as to ask how the quilt was

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Mona Lisa Smiles essays

Mona Lisa Smiles essays The movie Mona Lisa Smile explores life through themes of feminism, marriage, and education lead by a modernist teacher at the end of a traditional era. This film explains the idea or womens liberation, which was about women being able to do what they want, when they wanted to. The thought is that women should be allowed to do anything. Choosing to be a housewife is perfectly acceptable but if a womans dreams go beyond the household than she should be able to act upon them. Issues of questions dealing with uniformity and choosing the path that is right for each individual are also addressed. The film Mona Lisa Smile ultimately illustrates how certain expectations within gender roles, contraception, divorce, and marriage have changed over time, and some have remained the same. The movie begins by introducing the lead character, Katherine Watson, who is a free spirited art history teacher determined to make a difference at the prestigious Wellesley womens college. Very quickly it becomes apparent that Katherine is a non-conformist intellectual with a passion for art and education. Katherines ambition and persistence prove to demonstrate that she is a professor ahead of her time. On the first day to teach class her students attempt to intimidate her by sarcasm and their own intelligence. Katherine leaves the school baffled by the girls unkindness and realizes that she has her work cut out for her. Upon returning home the woman she is living with interrogates her about marriage. Despite her older age, Katherine has never been married which is hard for the women of Wellesley to understand. Katherine upholds marriage and understands the importance of family within society but she is also concerned with her career, helping others, and most of all, happ iness. The women of Wellesley seem to believe marriage is the single most important aspect of a womans life and K...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Blaschkos Lines and Invisible Stripes on Human Skin

Blaschko's Lines and Invisible Stripes on Human Skin Unless you have one of a number of skin diseases, you may not realize you have stripes, much like those on a tiger! Ordinarily, the stripes are invisible, though you can see them if you shine an ultraviolet or black light over your body. What Are Blaschko's Lines? The  Lines of Blaschko or  Blaschkos lines make V-shaped stripes down your back, u-shapes  on your chest and stomach, simple stripes on your arms and legs, and waves on your head. The stripes were first described by German  Alfred Blaschko in 1901. Blaschko was a dermatologist who observed pigmented patterns in people with certain skin diseases. The patterns are also visible in people with chimerism. A chimera begins as two cells that have different DNA from each other. As these cells grow and divide, they contain slightly different instructions on how to produce proteins, including pigments. The lines dont follow blood vessels, nerves, or lymphatic vessels, believed instead to reflect the migration of embryonic skin cells. Under ordinary conditions, skin cells are programmed to produce the same amount of pigment as each other, so the stripes arent noticeable. The slight differences are more obvious under the higher energy of ultraviolet light. Other animals besides humans display Blaschko lines, including cats and dogs. How To See Your Human Stripes Whether or not you can view your own human stripes depends on your natural skin pigmentation and the type of UV light you use. Not all black lights are sufficiently energetic to make the lines visible. If you want to try to view your own stripes. youll need a dark room and a mirror. Shine the black light over exposed skin and look for the pattern. Conditions Where Human Stripes Are Visible Several skin disorders may follow Blaschkos lines, making them visible. These conditions may be inherited or acquired. Sometimes the stripes are visible throughout life. Under other conditions, they appear and then fade. While its possible for the whole body to be affected, many times the lines only appear on a single limb or region. Here are some examples of skin conditions associated with Blaschkos lines. Congenital Skin Disorders linear sebaceous naevus (lifelong)unilateral naevoid telangiectasia (lifelong) Acquired Skin Disorders lichen striatus (one to two years)linear psoriasis  (one to two years)linear scleroderma Genetic Skin Disorders Conradi-Hunermann syndromeMenke’s syndrome How Are Blaschko's Lines Treated? If Blaschkos lines were simply stripes, treatment might be as simple as applying make-up or a drug to fade the pigment. Sometimes Blaschkos lines only affect skin pigmentation. However, the marks associated with skin conditions may present as dermatitis, with papules and vesicles. In some cases, corticosteroids may improve skin health. Treatments that reduce physical and emotional stress and address the underlying cause of the condition may also help.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The National Fire Academy and CDP Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The National Fire Academy and CDP - Essay Example The institution also encompasses training programs that aid FEMA and DHS in prevention, mitigation and preparedness for fire and other emergency services (Giustina, 2014). Other institutions are incapacitated to offer such services, owing to their costs and audience inabilities. Individuals with substantial involvement in fire and prevention and control, emergency medical services, and other fire management-related courses are qualified to apply for various courses within the institution. Firefighting career is a tough profession, and individuals need to sacrifice themselves in order to fit in this challenging career. Initially, individuals could such climb careers through training and experience. However, as the world improves in aspects such as technology and other fields, individuals in the fire fighting profession ought to better their knowledge through rigorous training programs. Most individuals currently advance to degree levels of education. National Fire Academy offers management-training programs and they ought to select eligible candidates for such professions carefully. The institution should select individuals that have completed the basic training program for fire and other related emergencies’ preparedness, prevention and response. This will enhance improving their knowledge on fire and disaster management, hence placing them in a better position for response in case of fire and other related disasters (Giustina, 2014). Additionally, these individuals will have background information of their training prior to the management training. The Center for Domestic Preparedness is another institute under FEMA, tasked with the responsibility of training individuals for preparedness and response to disasters that result from weapons of mass destruction, (WDM) ( Burke, 2006). The institute offers its training through

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Credit Crisis(Subprime) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Credit Crisis(Subprime) - Essay Example However, when interest rates began to rise and housing prices started to decline, refinancing became more difficult and subprime borrowers were unable to make their mortgage payments, which resulted in a continuous subprime cycle throughout all markets in the United States. Subprime borrowers were unable to pay their mortgage payments, so several financial institutions made the effective financing approach by issuing financial agreements called Collaterized Debt Obligation (CDO), mortgaged-backed securities (MBS) and a form of credit insurance called Credit Default Swaps (CDS) to sell to investors across the world to invest in the U.S. Graph 1 illustrates that the growth of CDOs issued increased dramatically from 2004 to 2006, then dropped slightly in 2007. These types of financial innovations derived value from increasing in mortgage payments and housing prices, becoming popular. The usages of the product expanded dramatically. The financial innovation was carried out by firms whose activities were not regulated. The transactions became too complex and the policies were inclined to support deregulation of the financial market, sometimes being loose of supervision. The subprime mortgage crisis thus became a full-fledged financial crisis, and turned to a collapse in financial markets. As the subprime crisis intensified, financial institutions faced difficulties in raising capital forced default protection, and sellers (such as Northern Rock and American International Group (AIG) were reducing credit ratings. This left depositors with no confidence in the stability of financial institutions and they began to withdraw their deposits, which was the main cause of bankruptcy of financial institutions. For example, due to the bankruptcy of one major institution like the AIG, it brought down the whole financial system. In the beginning of 2008, â€Å"The Bear Stearns Companies,

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Digital and Film Photography at a Glance in the 21st Century Essay Example for Free

Digital and Film Photography at a Glance in the 21st Century Essay There is a growing debate in the world of photography today. We no longer live in the days of dark rooms, messy chemicals, and rolls of film. Technology has expanded our horizons of what we view as photography today. The growing debate is focused between two separate groups: the traditionalists, and those that subscribe to progression. Digital Photography versus film is at its peak of controversy. There are those that want to continue the time honored tradition and artistic integrity of film photography, and yet a growing group of artists that embrace the future and technology with digital photography. I, personally, can relate to both sides of the argument, and mean to provide a unbiased view of each. By establishing both the positive and negative attributes of film and digital photography, the ultimate decision is up to the reader to choose where their alliance lays. The tried and true method of film photography still carries many benefits. The overall photo quality is still best when using film. This is especially true when it comes to larger sized, up to and including wall-sized prints. This all breaks down to the photo’s resolution. Resolution can be altered with film in the development process. A standard resolution for 35mm films is 24 megapixels. A megapixel refers to one million pixels, but this can be altered and scanned to higher resolutions with high-grained film. Film cameras are also beneficial to the wallet. A high definition film camera is still much cheaper than its digital analog. Film cameras are also less likely to depreciate, because of market standards and the lack of new film technology, film cameras seem to keep, or grow in value. A camera that utilizes film also expands the photographer’s repertoire of tools such as lenses, filters, time lapses, and overexposure. (Unknown) ] Digital photography is not without its own advantages. When using a digital camera the great advantage is that you have an LCD screen, and can assess framing and focus. Digital cameras additionally provide a â€Å"histogram† display that guarantee you a much higher percentage of well exposed. This is a great help when shooting. No longer are the days when you have to develop your images before reviewing them. You are able, through the use of a digital camera, to see the final image immediately after it is shot. These images are then stored on an electronic storage device mmediately that actually require much less care than negative film. The ability to have a finished image in such short time cuts down on the cost and time of developing each individual image. [ (Maercado) ] Though the cost of a film camera is cheaper in comparison to its digital neighbor, the cost is vastly outweighed by the necessary funds needed to develop film. Access to a darkroom, and chemicals necessary in development of film, make this a hefty downside to its use. This is especially true when dealing with the fact that every image must be developed first before its final product is seen. This can penetrate quite deeply monetarily. A darkroom, and the constant replenishment of chemicals, can cost upwards of hundreds of dollars. This does not include starting costs of building the darkroom. Film negatives can also degrade over time if they are not properly stored, making long-term access to film images erratic. [ (10Ap) ] Digital photography is not without its own drawbacks. Given the ever expanding and continuous progression of the digital market, a camera can become obsolete almost immediately after purchase. This is not even mentioning that the cost of a digital camera with the same quality found in a film camera can cost almost double. This initial cost may also include the necessary software needed to editing and development of images. Most of the software needed is complicated and can be only purchased at a hefty sum. Staying ahead of market trends, and technology as a whole, depends upon an ever increasing need to be technologically savvy. Though you not only have to be knowledgeable in photography, you must also have an increased knowledge of computers, and technological advancement. The software, as with the cameras themselves, advances at rapid speed. This means that one must be constantly learning, and re-evaluating their education. (King and Timacheff) ] The pro’s and con’s of the two different aspects of photography seem to be pretty evenly weighed. The ultimate decision between the two mediums is really left up to the artists themselves. It seems to be a matter of taste over substance. Each have costs attributing to negative outcomes, but have positive results either way. Resolution, image quality, and upkeep can be circumvented with either digital or film. What sets a photographer apart from their peers is the artistic eye, and the ability to find and capture beauty with whatever is at hand. References vs Film.htm

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Freedom :: American America History

Freedom In the Narrative of the Life of Fredrick Douglass written by Fredrick Douglass, he and the rest of the slaves in 1840 had to be tricky to survive. Douglass used trickery to his advantage and made it into a positive action, freedom. Douglass went through many hardships and disturbing ordeals. He witnessed his younger brother get his head bashed in, that in it self is horrific enough. He overheard Mr. Auld, one of his masters, telling Mrs. Auld that it was unsafe to teach a slave to read (Douglass 42). Douglass took this as motivation and strove to learn to read and write. Douglass's next master was Edward Covey, a well-known slave breaker, for a year. Covey was very tricky. He would pretend to ride into town, then walk back and sneak up on the slaves as to scare and deceive them. One day, after a severe beating by Covey, (Douglass 86) Douglass ran for refuge for one night from a slave named Sandy Jenkins. Jenkins believed that a certain root had magical powers and told Douglass that if he wore it on his right side no white man could beat him (Douglass 90). He returned the next day wearing the root, and to his surprise, Covey did not beat him for a time. A few days later, Covey tried to tie him up for a beating. Douglass fought back and after a two-hour struggle, Covey gave up. Since Covey did not want to ruin his reputation as a slave breaker, he never sent Douglass to the authorities to be punished for hitting a white man. Douglass used Covey's own reputation against him and tricked him into never crossing and punishing him again. When Douglass's year was over with Covey, he went to live with Mr. Freeland. Freeland became his new master and had two slaves. A little while after Douglass came to live there, he sparked interest in the others and began to teach them to read and write in Sabbath school. "It was understood among all who came, that there must be as little display about it as possible." (Douglass 103) Douglass managed to teach many, whom might suffer up to nine lashes for leaving their plantation (Douglass 104). The religious masters thought the slaves were spending the Sabbath in wrestling, boxing or drinking whisky, when all along they were learning to read and write. Freedom :: American America History Freedom In the Narrative of the Life of Fredrick Douglass written by Fredrick Douglass, he and the rest of the slaves in 1840 had to be tricky to survive. Douglass used trickery to his advantage and made it into a positive action, freedom. Douglass went through many hardships and disturbing ordeals. He witnessed his younger brother get his head bashed in, that in it self is horrific enough. He overheard Mr. Auld, one of his masters, telling Mrs. Auld that it was unsafe to teach a slave to read (Douglass 42). Douglass took this as motivation and strove to learn to read and write. Douglass's next master was Edward Covey, a well-known slave breaker, for a year. Covey was very tricky. He would pretend to ride into town, then walk back and sneak up on the slaves as to scare and deceive them. One day, after a severe beating by Covey, (Douglass 86) Douglass ran for refuge for one night from a slave named Sandy Jenkins. Jenkins believed that a certain root had magical powers and told Douglass that if he wore it on his right side no white man could beat him (Douglass 90). He returned the next day wearing the root, and to his surprise, Covey did not beat him for a time. A few days later, Covey tried to tie him up for a beating. Douglass fought back and after a two-hour struggle, Covey gave up. Since Covey did not want to ruin his reputation as a slave breaker, he never sent Douglass to the authorities to be punished for hitting a white man. Douglass used Covey's own reputation against him and tricked him into never crossing and punishing him again. When Douglass's year was over with Covey, he went to live with Mr. Freeland. Freeland became his new master and had two slaves. A little while after Douglass came to live there, he sparked interest in the others and began to teach them to read and write in Sabbath school. "It was understood among all who came, that there must be as little display about it as possible." (Douglass 103) Douglass managed to teach many, whom might suffer up to nine lashes for leaving their plantation (Douglass 104). The religious masters thought the slaves were spending the Sabbath in wrestling, boxing or drinking whisky, when all along they were learning to read and write.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Legend of Korra Analytical Paper

The Legend of Korra: Stereotypes Stereotypes are very common in the current state of the world. In The Legend of Korra, which is the animated sequel to Avatar: The Last Airbender, the protagonist is a 17-year-old teenager named Korra. She is the next avatar (The avatar is someone who can control all the elements and is supposed to restore order to the world). During the first season of Legend of Korra many antagonists try to oppose Korra because of the stereotypes made about her. Korra also stereotypes about others as well which causes her failures.The Legend of Korra is a window of our culture about Stereotypes. Many people stereotype Korra wrongly (Ulaby n. pag. ). She is much like Katniss and Kim Impossible (Boucher n. pag. ). She has a very defined set of morals such as honesty, friendship, and fun. Korra breaks almost all the stereotypes that are made about her. The people of Republic City assume that Korra is a serious, semi- powerful, and all knowing, but in reality she really is not. Although Korra has an enormous responsibility she is a carefree teen. She is reckless and curious.In The Legend of Korra there is a rebel organization called â€Å"The Equalists†, their leader is a man called Amon (Legend n. pag. ). The Equalists assume at first that Korra is an incompetent avatar and then her element bending skills are amateur. They stereotyped wrong; just because she was a woman and was young did not mean that she was not powerful. In that episode she defeated them easily. This situation happens daily on earth. People often overestimate their power and underestimate their enemies. Korra also overestimates her abilities and powers.She has a very high ego and is rash. Korra often digs a hole for herself that she cannot get out of. In many episodes Korra will just jump right into the action and will receive bad consequences. After Korra defeated â€Å"The Equalists† once she realized the power she had and started to abuse her powers. Also after getting defeated â€Å"The Equalists† realized how powerful she was and adjusted to her personality. In one instance, Korra walks right into a trap because of her impulses and instinct. â€Å"The Equalists† then captured her as well as her friends (Legend n. ag. ). Many individuals underestimate the opposing people. In sports a good team may be facing a horrible team. The good team might think that they do not need to practice because they are facing a bad team. This underestimating often causes the downfall of many teams and people. The Stereotypes are everywhere in The Legend of Korra. Many people in LoK that Korra is weak and amateur; which Korra is not. Not only do people stereotype Korra, but Korra also does a fair amount of stereotyping. The Legend of Korra reflects many stereotypes of this world.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Knowledge Organisation and Learning

1. Introduction The medical industry today has transformed in recent years as a result of the inclining demography scale. This has led the government to rethink of the country’s healthcare expenditures whether they are able to meet with the demand to the health and medical industry (Group 2011). Pinnacle hospital is structured with a holistic healthcare features that will be establish with the most advance technologies and high standard of service to patients, locals and overseas. Moving towards the growing ageing populations, the main emphasize will be on enforcing of the health awareness of the public. . Objective The team objective is to identify the future knowledge workers role and skills requirement so as to be a successful workers in future 2020. 3. PESTEL Analysis in year 2020 In analysing the external environment, the team has applied using the PESTEL tool to analyse each of the components of the external environment and identify the changes that will be establish in 2020. 3. 1) Political factors In 2020, the government will be spending approximately $10 million per year on healthcare. Higher subsidies granted to lower-income families with illness.Furthermore, the government have also planned to ramp up the infrastructure and manpower by recruiting 20,000 healthcare workers and 3,700 hospital beds, creating more jobs opening (HSA 2007-2011). Government will also look into working closely with private hospital on bed leasing (source: MOH healthcare 2020 Masterplan). 3. 2) Economic factors Population will increase, hence, the standard of living will increase as well. The government remains stable and provides strong support in funding capitals to healthcare sector that attracts more foreigners to opt for medical advice in Singapore and higher recruitment (Channelnewsasia, 2013). . 3) Social Issues such as more ageing population in 2020, with over 25% of its population above the age of 65 years old, parallel to several other developed countries aro und the world that has a distended grey population. As more foreigners are coming into Singapore, Singapore will be a multi racial country with English as a common language that is universally recognize. 3. 4) Technological In future, new invention will be coming in, thus, the technology will be advancing. There will be robotic system to assist in surgeon for effective and efficient surgery.Furthermore, there will be web-cam system installed for the patients to interact with their love ones. Patients may monitor their health condition simply with an affordable personal pocket size device consist of sensors, actuators and mechanisms. It also helps to alarm the hospital in any case of emergency instead of reaching a phone to dial for emergency. 3. 5) Ecology In 2020, solar panels will be able to substitute the usage of electricity. Implementing the solar energy system will be useful to conserve energy and save high cost of electrical maintenance for the hospital.Organics products will be use instead of chemical content to patients with allergy. 3. 6) Legal More Act to implement the control, licensing and inspection of private hospitals, medical clinics, clinical laboratories and healthcare establishments (Attorney General's Chambers, 2011). 4. Current Roles and Knowledge The team has selected four of the major roles in Pinnacle hospital to analyze their skill and knowledge acquired to comply with the duties they handle. They are: the Doctors, Nurses, Operation Manager and Customer Relation Executive. 4. 1) DoctorsThe doctors are expertise in their medical field as they are required to diagnose the patients’ illness and vital to make complex decisions. Moreover, doctors are trained and required to be skillful and knowledgeable in handling major/minor op surgery. 4. 2) Nurses Nurses have many multiple roles in the hospital. They are to perform the role of assisting the doctors in surgery, checking of patient’s records, being a caretaker and passing o f information to both doctors and patients. They also have to handle some minor cases of patients such as washing wounds and injection.Therefore, nurses have to obtain these basic skills in their medical practice. 4. 3) Operation Manager Operation manager are mainly in-charge on policy change and ensure effective communication and collaboration among departments. In addition, operation manager have to ensure there is enough resources in the hospital and make sure the hospital is running smoothly. 4. 4) Customer Relation Officer For a Customer Relation Officer, they are required to help to manage the front desk with various admin support and enquiries from the patients.They also have to collect information and data of the patient’s problems and concern. 5. Future Roles and Knowledge Acquiring skills for the following roles in the year 2020: 5. 1) Doctors Technology seems to be advanced in year 2020. Robots will be the doctors' assistants in operation theatre, which will enhanc e the efficiency of the surgeon. In any case of technical fault, the doctors will be the one to fix the problem. Therefore, the doctors are required to obtain new skills in technology so as to fix the minor problem of the robot if anything goes wrong.Basic knowledge in operating of the robot is necessary. It is to ensure that the robots are in good condition to assist the doctors in surgeon smoothly. 5. 2) Nurses Nurses are formerly assistance to doctor to retrieve patient’s record and in Op theater. In 2020, ?With centralized database, nurses are to train to use the system effectively to obtain patients’ record ? Cloud-based text messaging system that nurses will have to send out update the status of patient undergoing surgery to family or friends to reduce the waiting time. Nurses will learn to communicate with patients via online consultation web with patient’s family members who well-versed in IT to ensure correct details are conveyed and no error made. 5. 3 ) Operations Manager Currently, routine check will all be taken over with centralised method and will be fully automatic via sensors system. Mini tracking device will be issued to patients whom admitted to hospitals. Moreover, they will require maintaining and tracking the patients’ attendance and do arrangement for land transfers for overseas Patients. 5. ) Customer Relations Officer In Customer Relations Officer, most commonly the officers face with communication barrier. In 2020, these cases will be resolved via the following: ? officers has to be train to be more linguistic as more foreigners are expected to seek medical help ? Officers can be train to educate patients on the use of e-booking online as it reduce waiting time and crowding the holding area. 6. Conclusion In conclusion, the demographic graph is inclining towards ageing population as such it is necessary to create more health awareness.With advance technology implemented in hospital, each staff are required t o attend the training according to the skills they acquired to be hands-on with centralized database system and able to assist more patients from overseas whom are seeking medical advice in Singapore. It is hoped that Singapore could become a world-class originator of innovative, aged-friendly technology, products and devices. The ageing issue requires the integration and strategic alignment of new technologies, personal responsibility and public policy.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Definition and Examples of Putative Should in English

Definition and Examples of Putative 'Should' in English In English grammar, putative should is the use of the word should in contexts that indicate surprise or disbelief, or that refer to the occurrence (or possible occurrence) of some situation or event. This usage differs from the should of obligation (i.e., the mandative should). As noted by Randolph Quirk et al., putative should (also called emotional should) occurs in that clauses after expressions of emotion (sorrow, joy, displeasure, surprise, wonder, etc.), and is often accompanied by intensifying expressions such as so, such, like this/that, ever, or at all (A Comprehensive Grammar, 1985). In addition, putative should  occurs in subordinate clauses as an alternative to the subjunctive after expressions of suggesting, advising, etc.: They insisted that I (should) stay the whole week (Oxford Dictionary of English Grammar, 1994). Putative should is more common in British English than in American English. Also Known  As:  emotional  should, attitudinal  should, hypothetical  should, subjunctive  should Examples Major Green gently nodded and then briefly glanced through the same porthole, behind which the Earth lay static and diminutive, no bigger than an average football. The oddest thing for me is that people should be living there at all! he exclaimed on a softly humorous note. (John OLoughlin, Millennial Projections, 1983)It is surprising that you should find this practice shocking, since you French cut off the heads of your King and Queen. (Rebecca West, Black Lamb and Grey Falcon: A Journey Through Yugoslavia, 1941)I know its a little strange, a little bit of a contradiction, that a far-seeing place should also be a basement place, but thats how it is with me. (Stephen King, Stephen King, On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft. Scribner, 2000)It seems a great shame you should have to pay for what Albert and Clara did. (Arnold Bennett, These Twain, 1915)It is sad that you should talk such nonsense, and sadder that I should have to listen.(Ferdinand Canning Scott Schiller, Studies in Humanism , 1912) Peter Walsh, who had done just respectably, filled the usual posts adequately, was liked, but thought a little cranky, gave himself airs- it was odd that he should have had, especially now that his hair was grey, a contented look; a look of having reserves. (Virginia Woolf, Mrs. Dalloway, 1925) Adjectives With Putative Should The adjectives anxious, eager, and willing are followed by a thats are appropriate, essential, important, vital. Adjectives which can be followed by a verb phrase in the thats are afraid, angry, hopeful, inconceivable, odd, sad, sorry, surprised, surprising. (Ilka Mindt, Adjective Complementation: An Empirical Analysis of Adjectives Followed by That-Clauses. John Benjamins, 2011) Factual Should In most of its uses, should is to be found in contexts which are either counterfactual (as in You should be in your office at this time of day, which presupposes ...but you are not in your office) or tentative (as in You should give up smoking, which contains a presupposition approximately paraphrasable as ...but Im not sure you will give up smoking). In some cases, however, should is used in contexts which- at least apparently- contain no negative implication. These contexts, which may be called factual, seem to contradict the hypothesis that -ed always expresses a presupposition of unreality. (Most factual uses of should concern what is often called putative should- see, for instance, Quirk et al...The coincidence of the two categories, however, is only partial.) (Paul Larreya, Irrealis, Past Time Reference and Modality. Modality in Contemporary English, ed. by Roberta Facchinetti, Manfred G. Krug, and Frank Robert Palmer. Walter de Gruyter, 2003) Jespersen on Emotional Should We may use the term emotional should for the use of should in passing a judgment of an emotional character (agreeable or disagreeable surprise, indignation, joy) on some occurrence which may, or may not, be a fact. A sentence like Why was the date omitted? is a mere factual question, but Why should the date of the document be omitted? implies wonder and, possibly, some suspicion of the purity of the motives. Compare further: Where the divell should he learne our language? (Sh.). Why should they try to influence him? [I see no reason] Someone asking for you. Who should ask for me? Similarly, these examples show use in clauses: It is not good that the man should be alone (AV). It was quite natural that the Russians should hate their oppressors. Why should she have done so, I can hardly tell. It is strange that she married (or has married) such an old man merely states the fact; It is strange that she should have married such an old man lays more stress on the strangeness by using the imaginative should in the clause. (Otto Jespersen, Essentials of English Grammar. George Allan Unwin, 1933) Also See Conditional Clause  and  Conditional SentenceConfused Words:  Should  and  Would

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Percent Composition by Mass Example Problem

Percent Composition by Mass Example Problem Percent composition by mass is a statement of the percent mass of each element in a chemical compound or the percent mass of components of a solution or alloy. This worked example chemistry problem works through the steps to calculate percent composition by mass. The example is for a sugar cube dissolved in a cup of water. Percent Composition by Mass Question A 4 g sugar cube (Sucrose: C12H22O11) is dissolved in a 350 ml teacup of 80 Â °C water. What is the percent composition by mass of the sugar solution? Given: Density of water at 80 Â °C 0.975 g/ml Percent Composition Definition Percent Composition by Mass is the mass of the solute divided by the mass of the solution (mass of the solute plus mass of the solvent), multiplied by 100. How to Solve the Problem Step 1 - Determine mass of solute We were given the mass of the solute in the problem. The solute is the sugar cube. masssolute 4 g of C12H22O11 Step 2 - Determine mass of solvent The solvent is the 80 Â °C water. Use the density of the water to find the mass. density mass/volume mass density x volume mass 0.975 g/ml x 350 ml masssolvent 341.25 g Step 3 - Determine the total mass of the solution msolution msolute msolvent msolution 4 g 341.25 g msolution 345.25 g Step 4 - Determine percent composition by mass of the sugar solution. percent composition (msolute / msolution) x 100 percent composition ( 4 g / 345.25 g) x 100 percent composition ( 0.0116) x 100 percent composition 1.16% Answer: The percent composition by mass of the sugar solution is 1.16% Tips for Success Its important to remember you use the total mass of the solution and not just the mass of the solvent. For dilute solutions, this doesnt make a huge difference, but for concentrated solutions, youll get a wrong answer.If youre given the mass of solute and mass of solvent, life is easy, but if youre working with volumes, youll need to use density to find the mass. Remember density varies according to temperature. Its unlikely youll find a density value corresponding to your exact temperature, so expect this calculation to introduce a small amount of error into your calculation.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Women as Spies in the Civil War Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Women as Spies in the Civil War - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that although the role of espionage has been admitted to be a very important factor through the entire course of the American Civil War in most historical records, it has been denied the deserving respect in terms of detailed narratives elaborating upon the actual significance of the roles played by spies. This holds true even more in case of women who served as undercover agents.   The author has rightly presented that this unavailability of detailed mention in records results primarily from the nature of the job itself. Often, records would be destroyed to protect the identities of the agents by themselves or by other officials. So, the historian addressing this issue would have to seek out often intentionally obscured and carefully camouflaged tracks by the agents themselves, officials of both the governments and last but not the least, time. The paper tells that proper chronicling of Civil War intelligence activities is thus a strenuo us challenge due to the absence of records, the absence of access to records, and also the dubiousness of the available records. The confederacy’s state secretary, Judah P. Benjamin burned all records related to intelligence activities that he could find when the news of the Federal troops entering Richmond came. On the other hand, till 1953, Intelligence records belonging to the Union were kept sealed in the National archives.

Friday, November 1, 2019


BRAZILIAN CINEMA LAT AM 380 FINAL TAKE-HOME II - Essay Example Brazilian cinema prospect captured different livelihoods, beliefs and lifestyles of different groups of people, those that lived in cities or towns and those that lived in marginal areas with unfavorable conditions like the semi-arid areas where the early Portuguese first settled commonly referred to as sà ©rtao in Portuguese. Several influential renowned cinema film directors like Nelson Pereira dos Santos, Glauber Rocha, Andrucha Waddington, Jorge Furtado, Joà £o Tikomiroff, and Carlos Diegues Walter Salles amongst many others took the center stage in making these films with deeply embedded and well played out themes or motifs that clearly communicated message of importance. It is due to collective effort of these film productions developments in the 60s and 70s that led to the rise of a pro-modern movement â€Å"cinema novo†, new cinema (Rodriguez 109). that was very influential in addressing issues to do with social equality and intellectualism in Brazil as opposed to th e traditional cinema technique that were ineffective. The major themes captured by these films as portrayed in the two main settings, rural and urban, are the power in the Brazilian political landscape, religion and Brazilian popular culture. In the Brazilian context, power is closely associated with corruption in governments. The corruption in turn has led to socio-political and economical oppression to its citizens making the poor or the peasants much poorer while making the rich much wealthy creating a very big power gap between the two (Xavier 86). Power when misused is normally associated with the might or tyranny, and greed in any given society which are easily visible in the Brazilian societal and governmental structure where the rich oppress the poor because of the difference classes created and the powers that come attached. Power

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Case study- Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Case study- - Coursework Example This will result in many followers and will raise the popularity of cloud computing. a) For a new entrant it is hard to invest huge amount in infrastructure to build own data centre. Here cloud computing lessens their cost to substantial level (Pay-Per-Use facility might be recalled of as an example). Capacity Planning: - This is a course of action that an organization use to determine the production required to meet varying demands for its products. Here though Amazon is a retail organization, they shift their business from retail to cloud computing technology, since lots of small organization who are dealing with large data sets are opting to be their clients. In the long run to reduce the risk of server downtime they are simultaneously useing public and private cloud. Scalability: This is the capacity of a system to accomplish large number of works in a competent style with ultimate achievement of growth. Amazon is handling a large number of data of many organizations with flexible computing power, messaging and other services. Circumscribing this dimension, Amazon is equipped with huge resources directed towards helping an array of small firms entering new business and struggling to maintain huge database. On the other way, subscribers of Amazon for example, Zynga is using a business model where they use private and public cloud jointly. At the juncture when Zynga decides to launch any new application they use public cloud because they are uncertain about their future applicability. Once this application stabilizes in the market they shift to its own cloud computing dynamics for the reduction of risk related to the server downtime problems. TCO: Total cost of ownership is an estimation of cost method and is used to assist consumers and project managers to establish direct and indirect costs of a product or

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Understanding the accounting cycle and importance of accounting

Understanding the accounting cycle and importance of accounting The Importance of Accounting To understand accounting information and use accounting information is important for any business. Information that is provided to external parties who have an interest in a company is sometimes referred to as financial accounting information, according to Williams, Haka, Bettner, and Carcello (2006, p. 4). The main reason in providing accounting and financial information is the use of said information in decision-making purposes. Many groups, including company management, government regulatory agencies, creditors, and suppliers, use financial information in various ways to determine a companys financial health and ability to meet obligations as such obligations become current. Companies and their personnel must understand the various steps in the accounting cycle and how such steps provide reliable information to the users of financial information. What is the Accounting Cycle? The accounting cycle is the sequence of accounting procedures used to record, classify, and summarize accounting information in financial reports at regular intervals (p. 94). The final preparation of formal financial statements is always started with the recording of business transactions and this cycle repeats so the business can prepare new, current, financial statements in response to business transactions conducted by the firm. The accounting cycle is composed of eight steps and includes journalizing transactions, posting journal entries to ledger accounts, preparing a trial balance, making end-of-the-period adjustments, preparing an adjusted trial balance, preparing financial statements, journalizing and posting closing entries, and preparing an after-closing trial balance. Remember debits increase assets while credits increase owner equity during the recording and adjustment phases of the accounting cycle. An account has only three elements: (1) a title; (2) a left side, which is called the debit side; and (3) a right side, which is called the credit side (p. 95); such accountings are called T accounts because, on paper, the recording of such accounts resembles the letter T. A sample T account is below: The account balance is determined in the difference between the debit and credit sides of the account. If the debit total is more than the credit total, the account is said to have a debit balance. If the credit total is more, then the account is said to have a credit balance. In asset accounts, the debit recording increases the amount in the asset account and a credit decreases the amount in the account. Under liability and owners equity accounts, the debit decreases the amount in the account, while a credit increases the amount in the account. This aligns with the equation and is known as the system of double-entry account. Journalizing Transactions The first step involves placing the business transactions into a journal, which records the business transactions chronologically (day-by-day). The amounts entered in this section are transferred to the debit and credit sections of the accounts in the ledger. A person investing in the firm pays $80,000 in cash in exchange for stock in the firm. The two accounts affected by this transaction are the Cash and Capital Stock. The first step in journalizing this entry is entering the name of the account debited (Cash), which is written first, along with its dollar amount entered in the left-hand money column. The name of the account credited (Capital Stock) appears below Cash and is indented to the right, with the dollar amount appearing in the right-hand money column. A description of the transaction appears below the journal entry. Below is a sample journal entry: Posting to Ledger Accounts Posting simple means updating the ledger accounts for the effects of the transactions recorded in the journal (p. 98). If the person reads the journal entry aloud, this means the previous journal entries are read as Debit Cash $80,000; credit Capital Stock, $80,000. A person copies the journal entry amounts into the general ledger, which is a series of T account entries; this is performed in the ledger as follows: This process is continued until all journal entries are record in the ledger. Once all of the ledger entries are calculated, the next step is the preparation of the trial balance. Trial Balance The trial balance is prepared to ensure debits and credits equal one another. All of the ledger accounts are listed, with debits in the left column and credits in the right column (Internet Center for Management and Business Administration, 2007). The debit column is added first, then the credit column. If the totals do not agree, the issue could be a debit was recorded instead of a credit, mistakes in arithmetic, and clerical errors in copying account balances into the trial balance. Both columns should be equal; however, this does not mean that a transaction was recorded in the wrong account. A sample trial balance is displayed below: Making End-of-period Adjustments Adjustments after the trial balance is created to record accrued, deferred, and estimated amounts and posting the adjusted entries to the ledger accounts. Once the entries are entered in the ledger, the accountant prepares the adjusted trial balance, which contains similar steps to the unadjusted trial balance; however, the adjusted trial balance contains the adjusting entries. Accrued items would include salaries, interest income, and unbilled revenue; deferred items would include prepaid insurance, office supplies, and depreciation. Preparing Financial Statements Publicly owned companies-those with shares listed on a stock exchange-have obligations to release annual and quarterly information to their stockholders and to the public (Williams, Haka, Bettner, and Carcello, 2006, p. 192). The financial statements include the income statement, the statement of retained earnings, the balance sheet, and the statement of cash flows (also known as the cash flow statement). The income statement is prepared first because it determines the amount of net income in the statement of retained earnings. The statement of retained earnings is prepared next to provide information for the balance sheet. The balance sheet is prepared from the assets, liabilities, and equity accounts of the firm. Finally, the cash flow statement is prepared using data from the other financial statements. Preparing Closing Entries to Journals and Ledger Accounts Closing journal entries closes temporary accounts such as revenues and moves these accounts to a temporary income summary account. The balance is then transferred to the retained earnings account, which is a capital account; likewise, dividend or withdrawal accounts are closed to capital. Closing entries are then posted to the ledger accounts. After these tasks the after-closing trail balance is created to ensure debits equal credits. Error-checking and correction is made to this trial balance. The Importance of the Accounting Cycle Re-visited All businesses prepare financial statements, so it is important all accountants understand the accounting cycle to ensure the proper entry of data and credible financial information out put. Eight steps comprise the accounting cycle, from the journalizing of business transactions to preparing after-closing trial balances. Without the accounting cycle, the information provided in financial statements would not be reliable and decision-making processes would be difficult to perform by users of financial information.

Friday, October 25, 2019

The Works of J.D. Salinger Essay -- Biography Bio

J.D. Salinger: The influence of an author and his writings on 1950s America The end of World War II and the beginning of the 1950s saw a time of prosperity and success in mainstream America. Less than a decade after the United States allied with Great Britain and the Soviet Union, forming one of the most powerful forces in history to defeat the axis powers in the war, the U.S. was deeply entrenched in a nuclear arms race and "Cold War" with the Soviet Union. As a result, the country put on a collective fa†¡ade of stability and strength to cover up many injustices that were taking place during the time. Americans, equipped for the first time in a long while with a good amount of money, flooded to the suburbs and replaced any sorrows they might have had with material products and consumerism -- creating an America of conformity and extravagance that Salinger would devote much of his writing to critiquing. With the publication of Catcher in the Rye in the summer of 1951, America was introduced to Holden Caulfield, a character who would continue to remain in the American psyche for over half a century. Holden was the voice of this young generation who did not seem to have the same conformist attitudes or mainstream goals as their parents. Predictably, this critique of society and questioning of traditional American values was quickly met with an attempt to censor the message of dissent. Beginning in 1954 and continuing for decades, Catcher was criticized for its cynical tone, its "un-American" content, and its foul language ("237 goddams, 58 bastards, 31 Chrissakes, and 1 fart," according to one complaint" Steinle 3). But despite this controversy, and no doubt at least partially because of it, countless numbers of Americans read ... H. "Incommunicability in Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye." Western Humanities Review, XI (Spring 1957), 188-190. (Reprinted in Studies in J.D. Salinger by Marvin Laser and Norman Fruman). Lomanzoff, Eric. "The Praises and Criticisms of J.D. Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye" (1996) Pinsker, Sanford. "The Catcher in the Rye and All: Is the Age of Formative Books Over?" The Georgia Review 50: 4 (1986): 953-967. Salinger, J.D. The Catcher in the Rye. New York: Little, Brown and Company, 1951. Salinger, J.D. Nine Stories. New York: Little, Brown and Company, 1953. Steed, J.P. The Catcher in the Rye: New Essays. New York: Peter Lang Publishing Inc., 2002. Steinle, Pamela Hunt. In Cold Fear: The Catcher in the Rye Censorship Controversies and Postwar American Character. Columbus: Ohio State University Press, 2000.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Two Levels of Control: Strategic and Operational

Two Levels of Control: Strategic and Operational Imagine that you are the captain of a ship. The strategic controls make sure that your ship is going in the right direction; management and operating controls make sure that the ship is in good condition before, during, and after the voyage. With that analogy in mind, strategic controlstrategic controlThe process by which an organization tracks the strategy as it is being implemented, detecting any problem areas or potential problem areas that might suggest that the strategy is incorrect, and making any necessary adjustments. s concerned with tracking the strategy as it is being implemented, detecting any problem areas or potential problem areas suggesting that the strategy is incorrect, and making any necessary adjustments. [716] Strategic controls allow you to step back and look at the big picture and make sure all the pieces of the picture are correctly aligned. Operational control : A process concerned with executing the strategy. , in contrast to strategic control, is concerned with executing the strategy. Where operational controls are imposed, they function within the framework established by the strategy.Normally these goals, objectives, and standards are established for major subsystems within the organization, such as business units, projects, products, functions, and responsibility centers. [717] Typical operational control measures include return on investment, net profit, cost, and product quality. These control measures are essentially summations of finer-grained control measures. Corrective action based on operating controls may have implications for strategic controls when they involve changes in the strategy.Types of Control It is also valuable to understand that, within the strategic and operational levels of control, there are several types of control. The first two types can be mapped across two dimensions: level of proactivity and outcome versus behavioral. The following table summarizes thes e along with examples of what such controls might look like. Proactivity Proactivity can be defined as the monitoring of problems in a way that provides their timely prevention, rather than after the fact reaction.In management, this is known as feedforward controlfeedforward controlsThe active monitoring of problems in a way that provides their timely prevention, rather than after-the-fact reaction. ; it addresses what can we do ahead of time to help our plan succeed. The essence of feedforward control is to see the problems coming in time to do something about them. For instance, feedforward controls include preventive maintenance on machinery and equipment and due diligence on investments. Table  15. 1. Types and Examples of Control Control Proactivity |Behavioral control |Outcome control | |Feedforward control |Organizational culture |Market demand or economic forecasts | |Concurrent control |Hands-on management supervision during a project |The real-time speed of a production line | |Feedback control |Qualitative measures of customer satisfaction |Financial measures such as profitability, sales | | | |growth | Concurrent Controls The process of monitoring and adjusting ongoing activities and processes is known as concurrent controlconcurrent controlsProcesses that entail monitoring and adjusting ongoing activities..Such controls are not necessarily proactive, but they can prevent problems from becoming worse. For this reason, we often describe concurrent control as real-time control because it deals with the present. An example of concurrent control might be adjusting the water temperature of the water while taking a shower. Feedback Controls Finally, feedback controlsfeedback controlsProcesses that involve the gathering of information about a completed activity, evaluating that information, and taking steps to improve the similar activities in the future. involve gathering information about a completed activity, evaluating that information, and taking steps to improve the similar activities in the future.This is the least proactive of controls and is generally a basis for reactions. Feedback controls permit managers to use information on past performance to bring future performance in line with planned objectives. Control as a Feedback Loop In this latter sense, all these types of control function as a feedback mechanism to help leaders and managers make adjustments in the strategy, as perhaps is reflected by changes in the planning, organizing, and leading components. This feedback loop is characterized in the following figure. Figure  15. 4. Controls as Part of a Feedback Loop [pic] Why might it be helpful for you to think of controls as part of a feedback loop in the P-O-L-C process?Well, if you are the entrepreneur who is writing the business plan for a completely new business, then you would likely start with the planning component and work your way to controlling—that is, spell out how you are going to tell whethe r the new venture is on track. However, more often, you will be stepping into an organization that is already operating, and this means that a plan is already in place. With the plan in place, it may be then up to you to figure out the organizing, leading, or control challenges facing the organization. Outcome and Behavioral Controls Controls also differ depending on what is monitored, outcomes or behaviors. Outcome controlsoutcome controlsProcesses that are generally preferable when just one or two performance measures (say, return on investment or return on assets) are good gauges of a business’s health. re generally preferable when just one or two performance measures (say, return on investment or return on assets) are good gauges of a business’s health. Outcome controls are effective when there’s little external interference between managerial decision making on the one hand and business performance on the other. It also helps if little or no coordination wi th other business units exists. Behavioral controlsbehavioral controlsThe direct evaluation of managerial and employee decision making, not of the results of managerial decisions. involve the direct evaluation of managerial and employee decision making, not of the results of managerial decisions. Behavioral controls tie rewards to a broader range of criteria, such as those identified in the Balanced Scorecard.Behavioral controls and commensurate rewards are typically more appropriate when there are many external and internal factors that can affect the relationship between a manager’s decisions and organizational performance. They’re also appropriate when managers must coordinate resources and capabilities across different business units. Financial and Nonfinancial Controls Finally, across the different types of controls in terms of level of proactivity and outcome versus behavioral, it is important to recognize that controls can take on one of two predominant forms: f inancial and nonfinancial controls. Financial controlfinancial controlThe management of a firm’s costs and expenses to control them in relation to budgeted amounts. nvolves the management of a firm’s costs and expenses to control them in relation to budgeted amounts. Thus, management determines which aspects of its financial condition, such as assets, sales, or profitability, are most important, tries to forecast them through budgets, and then compares actual performance to budgeted performance. At a strategic level, total sales and indicators of profitability would be relevant strategic controls. Without effective financial controls, the firm’s performance can deteriorate. PSINet, for example, grew rapidly into a global network providing Internet services to 100,000 business accounts in 27 countries. However, expensive debt instruments such as junk bonds were used to fuel the firm’s rapid expansion.According to a member of the firm’s board of dire ctors, PSINet spent most of its borrowed money â€Å"without the financial controls that should have been in place. †[718] With a capital structure unable to support its rapidly growing and financially uncontrolled operations, PSINet and 24 of its U. S. subsidiaries eventually filed for bankruptcy. [719] While we often think of financial controls as a form of outcome control, they can also be used as a behavioral control. For instance, if managers must request approval for expenditures over a budgeted amount, then the financial control also provides a behavioral control mechanism as well. Increasing numbers of organizations have been measuring customer loyalty, referrals, employee satisfaction, and other such performance areas that are not financial.In contrast to financial controls, nonfinancial controlsnonfinancial controlsProcesses that track aspects of the organization that aren’t immediately financial in nature but are expected to lead to positive financial perfor mance outcomes. track aspects of the organization that aren’t immediately financial in nature but are expected to lead to positive performance outcomes. The theory behind such nonfinancial controls is that they should provide managers with a glimpse of the organization’s progress well before financial outcomes can be measured. [720] And this theory does have some practical support. For instance, GE has found that highly satisfied customers are the best predictor of future sales in many of its businesses, so it regularly tracks customer satisfaction. Key Takeaway Organizational controls can take many forms.Strategic controls help managers know whether a chosen strategy is working, while operating controls contribute to successful execution of the current strategy. Within these types of strategy, controls can vary in terms of proactivity, where feedback controls were the least proactive. Outcome controls are judged by the result of the organization’s activities, w hile behavioral controls involve monitoring how the organization’s members behave on a daily basis. Financial controls are executed by monitoring costs and expenditure in relation to the organization’s budget, and nonfinancial controls complement financial controls by monitoring intangibles like customer satisfaction and employee morale.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Dusk by Saki Essay

Another one of Saki’s dark tales, Dusk reveals the author’s ironic view of man’s infinite capacity for misunderstanding one another. Along the duration of the story, the protagonist, Gortsby, watches and observes people scurrying about at dusk, sitting at a park bench. Inwardly, he believes the people whom he observes looked defeated, and reciprocates dusk as a representation of the time of defeat for humans. The short story features an objective limited point of view, most of the characterization of Gortsby occurs through Saki’s pen on Gortsby’s thoughts. The character possesses a cynical view of the human state and has probably experienced some sort of defeat of his own – Saki never mentioned what sort of failure Gortsby was facing, the only information given was that he had no financial troubles. The story emphasizes on the misjudgement of character by Gortsby of the young male; the theme of the dysfunctions of a subjective mind is a rather importunate throughout. Saki shows this through a shift in Gortsby’s trust in the young lad. He was reluctant to believe in a stranger whose story seemed so plentiful at the beginning, but later surrenders to the boy’s mischief in trying to cheat Gortsby for money. Our protagonist not only gave the young boy money, but had also been transformed by the lie woven. He apologizes, â€Å"excuse my disbelief, but appearances were really rather against you†¦ † This shows how easily the human mind is swayed by external forces (in this case, Gortsby was influenced by the young lad’s lie), and the failures of Gortsby’s original claims of being an excellent judge of character when he was obviously unable to see through the young man’s lie. It was only moments later, the first old man returns to the bench, informing Gortsby that he was looking for his bar of soap; the soap of which Gortsby thought was the young man’s. The truth is finally appealed. However, Saki’s left a twist in the ending for readers to guess Gortsby’s reaction, an element of surprise is apparent. From the â€Å"cliff†, readers can presume to guess Gortsby had realized his misjudgement of character and would therefore recognize the dysfunctions of his overtly confident, self-assured judgmental mind.