Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Cómo y qué estudiar en Estados Unidos

Estudiar en Estados Unidos es el sueà ±o de millones de estudiantes en todo el mundo. Y para cientos de miles es posible estudiar inglà ©s, un curso de high school (visas J-1 de intercambio son muy frecuentes) o, incluso la carrera universitaria (visa F-1) o un posgrado. Por quà © estudiar en Estados Unidos Las ventajas de estudiar en Estados Unidos son variadas y van desde vivir la experiencia americana y obtener un buen conocimiento del idioma inglà ©s,  obtener un tà ­tulo universitario americano que puede abrir puertas laborales, disfrutar  un OPT  para trabajar  al acabar los estudios universitarios o, incluso, a conseguir una visa de trabajo. En concreto, se reserva un nà ºmero de visas H-1B para las personas con un mà ­nimo de estudios universitarios en USA. Cà ³mo pagar por los estudios Las universidades americanas son caras, pero hay una gran diferencia de precios.  Y entre las pà ºblicas, que son en general mà ¡s baratas, tambià ©n hay diferencia segà ºn el lugar de residencia habitual del estudiante: dentro del estado o en otro estado o en el extranjero. Habitualmente se recurre a los ahorros, a pedir crà ©ditos y a becas (y a trabajar, si es que legalmente se puede hacer). Ademà ¡s, para los estudiantes que destacan en deporte es posible entrenar y competir a gran nivel e, incluso, estudiar con becas deportivas parciales o totales. Y por supuesto tambià ©n es posible obtener becas por mà ©rito, muchas està ¡n abiertas a estudiantes internacionales y tambià ©n a inmigrantes indocumentados. Cada universidad decide cà ³mo beca y, por esta razà ³n, no es frecuente encontrar a dos estudiantes que pagan exactamente lo mismo. Estas son 13 universidades de à ©lite que siguen la polà ­tica de need-blind y becan totalmente, o casi, a los alumnos admitidos (ciudadanos, residentes, internacionales e indocumentados con y sin DACA). Tambià ©n conviene explorar tambià ©n las universidades pà ºblicas que parten, ademà ¡s, de una matrà ­cula mà ¡s asequible. Tambià ©n hay que tener presente que hay becas otorgadas por instituciones pà ºblicas o privadas que nada tienen que ver con las universidades en las que se estudia. Lo que importa es cumplir con los requisitos de la beca. Aquà ­ se puede ver un ejemplo de 25 becas abiertas a todo tipo de estudiantes, incluidos los internacionales. Quà © se necesita para solicitar a una universidad americana El proceso para presentar una aplicacià ³n completa es largo y complejo. Es muy importante reconocer que preparar todo el paquete puede llevar muchos meses y es fundamental presentar una aplicacià ³n de calidad. Visas para estudiar en Estados Unidos Hay dos posibilidades, las F-1 y las M-1 para asuntos vocacionales. Ademà ¡s, los estudiantes universitarios extranjeros que deseen pasar el verano en Estados Unidos en un programa de intercambio que permite trabajar y viajar o para estudiar high school pueden obtener una J-1. Para las visas F-1 y M-1 que primero aplicar a la escuela o universidad a la que se quiere ir y ellas son las que inician el proceso mediante la entrega de un documento conocido como I-20. Sà ³lo entonces se puede seguir la tramitacià ³n de la visa solicitando la visa por internet y luego presentà ¡ndose a la entrevista en la oficina consular que corresponda al lugar de residencia del solicitante. Tambià ©n hay que tener en consideracià ³n las visas J-1 de intercambio, que comprende programas muy distintos y algunos permiten estudiar en high school o en universidad. Incluso existe un programa para mà ©dicos para realizar la residencia en Estados Unidos y asà ­ especializarse.   A tener en cuenta antes de decidir estudiar en Estados Unidos Los estudiantes pre universitarios pueden realizar cursos acadà ©micos en escuelas pà ºblicas o privadas. Los precios del aà ±o acadà ©mico varà ­an enormemente segà ºn el tipo de escuela. Para estudiar inglà ©s existen literalmente cientos de academias. Pero para obtener una visa a travà ©s de la escuela es necesario que à ©sta està © autorizada por las autoridades migratorias de EEUU para emitir un I-20, si no lo està ¡n, no aplicar. Es comà ºn que los estudiantes de inglà ©s por menos de tres meses de un paà ­s acogido al Programa de Exencià ³n de Visas entren a EEUU como turistas y despuà ©s cursen sus estudios en la academia elegida. Es una prà ¡ctica muy frecuente pero, ley en mano, es ilegal. Deberà ­an aplicar, obtener un I-20 y, despuà ©s, solicitar la visa de estudiante en un consulado americano. Si se quiere estudiar una carrera universitaria en Estados Unidos, conviene  conocer y tomar los exà ¡menes que pueden ser requeridos, como el TOEFL, cuya puntuacià ³n varà ­a para ser admitido dependiendo de la universidad, college, community college o escuela profesional. Y tambià ©n otros tests son  el SAT o el GRE, etc. Si se quiere estudiar una carrera universitaria conviene considerar las ventajas de estudiar en un Community College los dos primeros aà ±o. El costo es notablemente inferior (en esta base de datos puedes buscar cuà ¡l es el precio en mà ¡s de 1,000 colegios comunitarios). Ademà ¡s, es posible que se tenga que  convalidar todos los tà ­tulos y diplomas de los estudios realizados en el paà ­s de origen. De interà ©s Cursar estudios universitarios en Estados Unidos es muy caro, por lo que es muy recomendable analizar detalladamente la universidad en la que se desea estudiar. Si los estudios son de mala calidad quizà ¡ no merece la pena hacer el esfuerzo de pagar la matrà ­cula y demà ¡s gastos. Estas son las  10 mejores universidades para estudiar ingenierà ­a en Estados Unidos, ya que esta es una carrera con alta presencia de estudiantes extranjeros. Ademà ¡s, para los mejores estudiantes quizà ¡ resulte una buena apuesta estudiar  en una  Ivy League en cualquiera de las universidades la conforman.   Si bien hay que tener claro que hay universidades pà ºblicas u otras privadas que tambià ©n son excelentes. Denegacià ³n de las visas y otros problemas Los consulados y las Embajadas americanas deniegan cada aà ±o aproximadamente una de cada cinco visas que se solicitan. Los visados que mà ¡s rechazos reciben son los de turista y los de estudiante. Las causas son muy variadas pero està ¡n calificadas en dos categorà ­as: ser inelegible o ser inadmisible. Para recibir una visa americana, para renovarla e incluso para ser admitido a Estados Unidos al llegar al puesto de control migratorio las personas extranjeras tienen que ser elegibles para la visa y admisibles para USA. En caso contrario, habrà ¡ problemas. Por otro lado, si se obtiene la visa, no se debe poner en riesgo por conductas que, a priori, pueden parecer no relevantes, pero que sà ­ lo son desde el punto de vista de las leyes migratorias. Por ejemplo, la posesià ³n para el consumo propio de marihuana puede ocasionar problemas graves. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Black Gangster Disciple Nation Vs Mcdonalds Case Study

Generally, secret or hard-to-find information differentiates a group or institution in charge of it from those without access or knowledge. It attributes to the group an informational advantage which is carried out in terms of intimidation or (implicit) trust. Should the knowledge become public, this information asymmetry is abrogated and the group’s power diminishes. For example, the Ku Klux Klan in the US rose to power thanks to a self-created mythos and inside facts and rituals, but lost most of its appeal and influence once Stetson Kennedy published a large part of their secret information. The Black Gangster Disciple Nation and McDonald’s resemble each other in structural and organisational terms. Both are segregated into several†¦show more content†¦A lot of the topics touch on daily life issues and well known conventional wisdoms and thus leave some thought-provoking impact. However, Levitt, in the introduction of Freakonomics, declares economics to be a simple â€Å"science of measurement† depicting reality compared to and distinct from morality considered as ideals or utopias of that reality. In my opinion this statement underestimates the significance of economic theory in today’s world, is generalised and insufficient. Economic theory and measurements have strong implications, e.g. for the perception of national welfare, and consequently policies and regulations of a country which attributes to economics much more command than a mere supply of information. Furthermore, reality can hardly be described only by numbers since feelings and morality as foundations of our values and beliefs take a large and decisive part in life and our decisions, but can hardly be measured as such. Even the economic system of exchange is not only based on efficiency and quantitative terms but indeed on moral-based conduct as well. Overall, I consider explaini ng the world by mere measurements and a collection of factual data too simplistic. What most negatively occurred to me was that, at least partly due to Levitt’s deliberate distinction between morality and economics, no

Monday, December 9, 2019

Management of Information Security Samples †

Question: Discuss about the Management of Information Security. Answer: Approaches to computer security There are ways to protect ones computer from the security threats. Anti-Malware The users must install anti malware software to protect their computer from all kinds of security threats. Anti-malware must have the capabilities to block spams, should block unwanted pop-ups, must have the capabilities to remove all kinds of virus from the computers, should have a facility to remove spyware. There is numerous anti-malware software in the market however, the users will have to choose the best anti-malware software for maximum productivity (Tsohou et al. 2015). Firewall A firewall is a network security program that protects ones system from unauthorised access, it basically enables or disables traffic based on a definite set of rules (Tsohou et al. 2015). Password Protection Passwords are a simple and easy way to protect ones device, but the users once set the password remain stick with that password in general, they never change their passwords which lead to vulnerabilities of the system. The users must alter their password from time to time be it an email address or online bank passwords to keep the personal data safe and secure. Data backup The users must back up their data from time to time, if the operating system crashes it may be possible that the users may lose valuable data, virus affected computer can lead to system failure too. The users must install backup programs in their system and should backup their data (Tsohou et al. 2015). Basic models used to implement security in operating system Graham-Denning Access Control model It is basically a security model that implements certain protection rules in the operating system. It consists of three different components-a set of objects, a set of subjects and a set of rights. The set of subjects includes process and domain. A set of right consists of create object, create subject, delete object, delete subject, read access right, grant access right, delete access right, transfer access right. Therefore, this model emphasises that both the set of subjects and a set of objects execute based on the set of rights (Stallings and Brown 2012). Military Security Model The information is ranked on the basis of an unclassified, confidential, secret and top secret. It provides the least privilege to the subject; it restricts the subject to access few objects for successfully accomplishing work. The system backup program may be permitted to access the files but do not have the permission to modify the file (Stallings and Brown 2012). Bell-LaPadula Model It is a state machine model which provides security and used for driving access control in government and army applications. The model comprises of the security classes for each subject and object respectively and those security classes are ordered by relation (Balamurugan et al. 2015). The physical security components that can protect ones computers and networks The physical security components for computers Biometric devices Biometric devices are used for capturing biometric data inputs in the form of fingerprints, facial images and voice recognition. It is a method to verify the identity of a living body (Ng et al. 2015). Cable locks With the help of cable lock, laptops can be protected from getting theft. It will also prevent others to access laptop without owners wish (Ng et al. 2015). Security Key The security key enables users to log in the system with a synced password. The users first have to plug in the flash drive, then have to enter the password integrated with the key, if the code matches the users can log in the system (Ng et al. 2015). The physical security components for network The network security devices are as follows- Active devices- Active devices consist of firewalls, malware scanning devices. Passive devices- Passive devices can identify the intruders attack thus can check the intruders entry into the system (Nimkar and Ghosh 2014). Preventive devices- Preventive devices scan networks and identify potential security threats. Unified Threat Management- UTM devices like firewalls serve all the above-said purposes (Nimkar and Ghosh 2014). Steps that organisations can take to improve their security In the organisations, the senior management handles all the resources and budget involved in the information security. The senior managers are aware of the fact that they should take the security issues very seriously, otherwise intruders will attack the system and make it vulnerable, the intruders can steal the private data of the customers (SearchSecurity 2017). i.The organisations know how valuable customers data is, so they take special measures to protect customers data. ii.The organisations create and maintain documentations of all the activities, they spend time, money to keep their company protected all the time (SearchSecurity 2017). iii.The organisations always keep themselves updated that means the computer systems are all updated ones, and the employees are aware of the modern systems. Outdated systems due to lack security updates are vulnerable threats so the companies always avoid that outdated system or software (SearchSecurity 2017). References Balamurugan, B., Shivitha, N.G., Monisha, V. and Saranya, V., 2015, February. A Honey Bee behaviour inspired novel Attribute-based access control using enhanced Bell-Lapadula model in cloud computing. InInnovation Information in Computing Technologies (ICIICT), 2015 International Conference on(pp. 1-6). IEEE. Ng, J., Bragg, D., Foladare, M.J. and Higgins, R.M., At T Intellectual Property I, LP, 2015.Device, system, and method for managing virtual and physical components of a network via use of a registry. U.S. Patent Application 14/743,465. Nimkar, A.V. and Ghosh, S.K., 2014. An access control model for cloud-based emr federation.International Journal of Trust Management in Computing and Communications,2(4), pp.330-352. SearchSecurity. (2017).10 good security habits for keeping your organization secure. [online] Available at: [Accessed 19 Jul. 2017]. Stallings, W. and Brown, L., 2012. Computer security.Principles and practice (2 nd ed). Edinburgh Gate: Pearson education limited. Tsohou, A., Karyda, M., Kokolakis, S. and Kiountouzis, E., 2015. Managing the introduction of information security awareness programmes in organisations.European Journal of Information Systems,24(1), pp.38-58.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Separation Essays - A Jury Of Her Peers, Minnie, Trifles

Separation Between Sexes Since the time when Eve set herself apart from Adam by consuming the forbidden fruit, there always has been vast differences in the way men and women conduct themselves. These differences are very common among sexes, and are also easy to distinguish. For instance, more women tend to cry in sad movies than men do. This is because women are more emotional than men and can often express their feelings easier. But probably the most popular difference between men and women would be how women have the ability to go shopping for an entire day whereas men will leave after they get what they want. These differences between men and women are constantly being portrayed in the media, and moreover literature. The piece of literature I will discuss is Susan Glaspell's A Jury of Her Peers, where Glaspell exemplifies the differences between men and women as they conduct their investigation of the murder of Mr. Wright. From the beginning of the investigation, the men and women had vast differences in the way they went about looking for substantial evidence. For instance, the men approached the house with confidence and seemed to feel indifferent towards the situation even though the murder victim was a close acquaintance. But the women approached the house with caution and hesitation. Mrs. Martha Hale's first thought as she encountered the crime scene was how in the past she thought, "I ought to go over and see Minnie Foster". Martha regretted the fact that she never visited her long time friend except when it was too late. Also, when the county attorney asked Mr. Hale what happened the day before, Mrs. Hale was worried that he would add unnecessary comments and make things harder on Minnie Foster. This indicates that Martha Hale immediately sympathized with Minnie Foster although she had done something as wrong as killing. Instead of acknowledging the fact that Minnie Foster committed murder, she looks past this and inquires what could possibly induce her to do so. Relevant to this go back to the idea that she wished she would've visited Minnie earlier. Martha Hale assumed that loneliness was a big factor which drove Minnie to do such a thing. Next, the attorney being a male, functioned as a robot would; he had no feelings towards what happened. Right after Mr. Hale told his version of what happened, the attorney continued with, "I guess we'll go upstairs first-then out to the barn and around there." The attorney didn't express any sympathy whatsoever, but was more concerned with getting on with the investigation. When the attorney found a mess of Minnie Foster's preserved fruit, Mrs. Hale replied with, "Oh-her fruit", and explained how Minnie was worried that the jars of her preserves might burst. On the other hand, Mr. Peters returned the statement with "Well, can you beat the woman! Held for murder, and worrying about her preserves!" But what separated the men from the women was when the sheriff decided that there was nothing but "kitchen things" in the kitchen which lead them upstairs in search for evidence. As the men moved upstairs, there were a number of significant differences in the way the men and women conducted the investigation. First of all, the men went upstairs and the women remained in the kitchen both in hopes of finding convicting evidence. The men, being more logical went straight to the crime scene, yet the women were more concerned with Minnie Foster's whereabouts and what she was doing around the time of the murder. Besides this, the women are more careful with everything and take the time to examine things thoroughly unlike the men who seem to rush things until they find what they want. For instance, Mrs. Hale noticed that the bag of sugar in the kitchen was half full, and remembered in her own home how she left the flour half sifted because she was interrupted. In result, Mrs. Hale concluded with the fact that Minnie Foster was interrupted for some reason and began to wonder what it was. Furthermore, when Mrs. Peters went to retrieve Minnie's clothes they examined how shabby it appeared and figured that when you look good, you feel good and that Minnie was not as happy as she used to be. Another example of the women's ways of careful observation is when Mrs. Peters found a quilt Minnie Foster began and wondered whether or not she quilted it or knotted it. Most men wouldn't look so far as to ask how the quilt was